Contingency Management Plan

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) website has been placed at cloud infrastructure provided by National Government Cloud (NGC).
Defacement Protection
  • ICMR website is audited for protection against Security & Performance degradation.
  • Any application level modification on the ICMR requires re-audit.
  • All the server configuration and logs are monitored timely by NCG Cloud
  • Only System administrator users are allowed to access the servers for doing administration and configuration tasks.
  • All the backend servers are under lock and net secured.
  • Contents are updated through a secure FTP using VPN / CMS.
  • The NCG Cloud division monitors the website by analyzing the log files.
Defacement Response Plan
  • In case of any eventuality, whoever notices the defacement (either Website Monitoring Team or Cyber Security) informs the Web Information Manager on phone as well as through mail.
  • NIC Cyber Security Division or Help Desk also informs the Administrator. The contact details are as follows

    1Dr. Manjeet Singh ChalgaScientist D (Data Centre), ICMRchalgams.hq[at]icmr[dot]gov[dot]in9582776792
    2Ms Iqbal KaurSenior Technical Officer (ICMR)kauri.hq[at]icmr[dot]gov[dot]in9810735082
  • As soon as ICMR Server Administrator gets the information regarding the defacement, s/he takes the following steps.
    • According to the degree of defacement, the site is stopped or continued partially.
    • Log files are analyzed to troubleshoot the source of defacement and blocking of the service.
    • The Portal Service is started from the DR site in case of complete loss of data or during long downtime.
    • Log files are given to the security division for analysis.
    • Based on security recommendations, all vulnerabilities are fixed and the application is re-audited.
    • The affected/corrupted content and the site are restored from the backup.
  • Time for Restoration after defacement
    • The time taken for restoration depends on the degree of defacement and services affected by the defacement..
Natural Calamity Response Plan
  • There could be circumstances whereby due to some natural calamity (it may be due to any reason that is beyond control of any person), the entire data centre where ICMR has been hosted gets destroyed or ceases to exist. In such a case first of all the In-charge of the National Data Centre will declare the natural calamity and would instruct the sites to be started from the DR site, which is located at Hyderabad