On behalf of the Secretary DHR & DG, ICMR, applications are now invited against vacancies for ICMR Chairs in the field of biomedical research from Sr. retired medical scientists/researchers/medical teachers from leading UGC recognized Institutes/organizations or NMC recognized medical colleges who may belong to Medical/Biomedical/Life Sciences field with an excellent track record in the concerned area of expertise.
Purpose/Objectives of the ICMR Chair:
i. To serve as part of a think tank for ICMR.
ii. To advise DG ICMR for improving ICMR’s intramural and extramural research programs.
iii. To mentor ICMR scientists to improve quality of their research proposals.
iv. To facilitate workshops for proposal & protocol development, data analysis & interpretation and manuscript preparation.
v. To undertake independent activities that help scientists at any Indian institutes to conceptualize, plan and conduct world class medical research.
a) ICMR Chairs should work preferably, at ICMR Hqrs./27 ICMR Institutes.
b) The minimum age limit at the time of application is 60 years and upper age limit is 67 years.
c) The duration of all ICMR chairs is initially for three years extendable up to two years more (approved by the Expert Committee and the DG, ICMR) or 70 years of age, whichever is earlier. However an annual review of the yearly progress report will be conducted by the ICMR for further continuation.
d) Remuneration: Last pay drawn minus pension. In addition, a special allowance of Rs. 50,000/- per month will be also given to the Chairs to meet the following expenses:
i. Meeting allowance for visiting ICMR Hqrs. as and when required.
ii. Telephone charges
iii. Computer and internet charges for meeting work
iv. Printing charges for meeting purposes
v. Journal publishing charges
vi. Secretarial assistance
e) Not more than 10 Chairs can exist at one point of time.
f) If any ICMR Chair visits ICMR Hqrs./Institute where he/she is not placed to attend meeting or otherwise, accommodation, food and TA shall be provided by the concerned Division/Institute as the case may be.
g) No private practice is allowed during the tenure as Chair.
h) The selection will be done by an Expert Committee constituted by the DG, ICMR who will be reviewing the research proposal and further approvals from the DG, ICMR. All selected ICMR Chairs need to submit Annual Progress Report (APR) within one month of completion of a year, which will be then reviewed by the Committee constituted by the DG, ICMR and recommendation is submitted to the DG, ICMR for final approvals for continuation of the next year tenure.
Procedure for applying:
1. The area of contribution should be matched with the priority areas of ICMR and National Health priorities.
2. Applications to be duly forwarded by the Head of the host institute/organization.
3. The applicants themselves may apply or can be nominated by any Distinguished Scientist of the country.
4. The work proposal to be undertaken as an ICMR Chair to achieve the stated objectives should be given in detailed format.
5. Additionally, the applicant/nominee would be required to provide the information on the process and modalities to execute the above objectives.
6. The complete application may be submitted w.e.f. 18th September 2024 to 16th October 2024 until 5:30pmin the prescribed format, with a cover letter to be addressed to:
The Director General (Kind attention)
Dr. Geeta Jotwani,
Scientist-G & Head Division of HRD V. Ramalingaswami Bhawan,
Indian Council of Medical Research,
Ansari Nagar,
New Delhi-110029
Soft copy of the complete application/nomination with all enclosures also may be sent before the given deadline to the email: hrd.icmrchairs[at]gmail[dot]com in pdf file format not more than 2MB